The latest news from the icelandic ghetto!

saga.jpgLiving in Iceland now is kind of strange.  We the ordinary people of Iceland are like hostages in a financial ghetto created by the Brittish Empire and the IMF.  We expect to be transported to the concentration camps in just a few weeks and maybe just maybe some of us will be taken to the gas chambers while others may survive.

There is still food in the stores but people are not buying so much anymore.  Industry and commerce are on ice and lots of companies are experiencing dire difficulties.  The only thing we really know is that the worst is yet to come.  We are living our lives out like actors in a play waiting for Godot knowing subconsiously that he will never show up.

What is even more Kafkaesque is that we seem to be governed by a group of lunatics or at least people who do not understand the reality of the situation.  Many ordinary people are in a state of shock and they walk around dazed and maybe feeling a bit sad.  

This could be the end of Icelanders as a national entity.  Maybe we will loose our country to foreign corporations and become financial refugees spreading all over the world, hiding in cellars and eating skyr in the catacombs.  The Icelandic language of the vikings will become archaic.  Iceland will turn into a beautiful legend that once was and exists no more, like the land of the Khazars.  And maybe just maybe some of us will survive and be able to tell the story.  When reality becomes a dream, dream is turned into legend which again makes history.

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1 Smámynd: Baldur Fjölnisson

Ingibjörg, never let emotions get in the way of your intelligence. Remember your responsibility as a member of a very much vital gender. It's all about genes and the survival of genes. This is why women are so practical and straight forward and resilient and always endure through the ages endless persecution and discrimination. To produce men has taken women. Every woman hater has come out of the womb of a woman so far. So far this elementary fact has managed to prevent the extinction of women.

Baldur Fjölnisson, 24.10.2008 kl. 00:12

2 Smámynd: Birgitta Jónsdóttir

frábær pistill:) var með svipaðan í gerjun en held að þú hafir sagt allt sem ég vildi segja meira að segja með áþekkum myndlíkingum:)

ég held að við þurfum nú að leggja mikla áherslur á að stilla saman strengi... ég er komin með upp í kok á klíkusamfélaginu...

Birgitta Jónsdóttir, 24.10.2008 kl. 12:45

3 Smámynd: Ævar Rafn Kjartansson

Þessi póstur ætti að enda á Timesonline eða bbc. Fréttaleysisfundir stjórnvalda benda til þess að það sé „game over“! Hér er önnur sönnun þess!

Ævar Rafn Kjartansson, 25.10.2008 kl. 00:56

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